Harmonic Minor


Harmonic Minor

R 2 ♭3 4 5 ♭6 7

The harmonic minor scale is a variation of the natural minor scale that is commonly used in classical, jazz, and metal music. This scale is created by raising the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half step, resulting in a unique and exotic sound. In traditional Western music theory, the natural minor scale was considered a "weaker" scale than the major scale because of its lack of a leading tone. The leading tone is the seventh note of the scale that creates a strong sense of resolution when it resolves to the tonic, or first note of the scale. By raising the seventh note, the scale gains a stronger pull for resolution to the tonic.

All positions:

Harmonic Minor all positions

Pattern 1

Pattern 1 pattern

Pattern 2

Pattern 2 pattern

Pattern 3

Pattern 3 pattern

Pattern 4

Pattern 4 pattern

Pattern 5

Pattern 5 pattern