
Types & Extensions

What is a Minor arpeggio?

A minor chord has a sound that is often described as sad, melancholic, or even mysterious. It's a type of sound that might evoke emotions like sadness or longing. It's a common chord across the music spectrum.

In music theory, a minor chord is built using three notes: the root note, the minor third, and the perfect fifth. For example, in the A minor chord, the notes are A, C, and E. The root note is the note that the chord is named after, which is A in this case. The minor third is three half-steps or one and a half whole-steps above the root note, which is C in this case. And the perfect fifth is seven half-steps or three and a half whole-steps above the root note, which is E in this case. Bare in mind a half step is equal to 1 fret on the guitar.

How is it used?

In chord progressions, minor chords are used to create a sense of tension or instability. In a minor key, the i (one) chord is typically a minor chord and serves as the tonic, or home chord, of the key. The iv (four) and v (five) chords in a minor key are also typically minor chords, and they are often used to create tension and resolution in music. For example, a common chord progression in a minor key is the i-iv-v progression. Just like the major equivalent it can be heard all the time in pop music but as guitarist we most commonly know it as the minor blues progression.

Minor arpeggio variations

There are a quite few variations of Minor arpeggios, from the basic triads (three note chords) to chord extensions.

Chord extensions are additional notes that can be added to basic triads or seventh chords to create more complex and nuanced harmonic structures. These notes are typically added above the basic triad or seventh chord and can include 9ths, 11ths, and 13ths.

To view the guitar chord shapes pick a Minor chord type from the menu above.